Welcome to Two Day Old Shit, a new music and arts blog that we've been working on for a few months now. Your bloggers here are two writers with varying levels of employment and varying interests in music journalism. Formerly located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, they've both moved back to their hometowns, with Ben back in New York and Isabelle holding it down in Chicago. This ish is bi-coastal if you count Lake Michigan. We're not sure where this blog will go, but we're starting out with at least two posts a week (maybe more) focusing mainly on music. It can be popular music, it can be underground music, it can be something one of us heard in a commercial or blaring from a passing car. As the name implies, this blog will have less to do with finding the newest, buzziest band and instead focus on quality. This may mean that you will be reading quite a bit about Isabelle's Holy Trinity: the Father (Marvin Gaye), the Son (Prince) and the Holy Ghost (D'Angelo). This could also mean that 3 Feet High and Rising gets more mention than Tha Carter III. Classic, postmodern, next level, retro, current, 4 minutes ago, it doesn't matter. If it makes us feel real good inside, if it makes us feel like dancing, if it moves us, if it makes us go "ooooooooooweeee," than we're going to write about it, regardless of what other heatseeking tastemaking sites around the web might do. Mostly, we will write about soul revival hero Duffy*. In this virtual land of mp3 blogs, news aggregators, social networks and video journals, 2DOS is a humble attempt at a return to classic music journalism: writing about music.
If you have any material that you would like us to hear, read, watch and consider, please get in touch via email (link in sidebar) and we'll be happy to pass along our addresses.
Respectfully and sincerely yours,
Isabelle and Ben
Isabelle and Ben
*That was a joke. We plan to write plenty of posts underlining the damage that we see her hypothetically causing to the pop music landscape should she be allowed.
1 comment:
Why don't you just come out and say what this blog is really about...Ms.Piggy and the Muppets.
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