Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MTV Does Something That Doesn't Suck

This week MTV launched MTVmusic.com, a website that does one thing and does it well: music videos, and lots of them. No commercials, no clips of Paris Hilton's BFFs. Just videos. This must be what all those old people are talking about when they complain that MTV doesn't play music anymore! There's something for everyone, but I'd recommend starting here.

MTV Music [MTV]
De La Soul - Itzsoweezee [MTV Music]


Isabelle said...

Their D'Angelo selection is trife.

Whatever, I forgive them:


idiscoveredneyo. said...

In college I watched the channel MTV Hits nonstop, it was always on in the background. It plays pop music videos 24 hours and it's amazing. However, I no longer have access to that channel. Thank god for this! I heart music videos.