Monday, November 17, 2008

I Give Up

I haven't paged through this week's New Yorker yet, but apparently it contains some stuff I'd rather not hear about Prince's religious and political beliefs. Gawker's Ryan Tate has a post today with the following excerpt:
When asked about his perspective on social issues—gay marriage, abortion—Prince tapped his Bible and said, “God came to earth and saw people sticking it wherever and doing it with whatever, and he just cleared it all out. He was, like, ‘Enough.’
Wait, what? This is beyond homophobic. While I wouldn't encourage this kind of proselytizing, I do think that it is impressive that even in a league of bat-shit crazy zealots (the anti-gay marriage camp) Prince still manages to out-crazy everyone. Still, some questions remain:
  • What will Wendy & Lisa think?
  • And does this mean I can't play "Little Red Corvette" at my wedding when I get gay married?
  • Why am I giving Prince the attention he is so clearly seeking by blogging about this?
  • Prince isn't gay?
Gotta go for now, I have longstanding marriages to de-sanctify and kids to make gay.

Prince Says God Against Homosexuality [gawker]
Soup With Prince [the new yorker]

1 comment:

Isabelle said...

Wait. So does this mean that "If I Was Your Girlfriend" isn't about wanting to be a woman?